Types of research: fundamental, Applied, action, descriptive, exploratory, evaluation, diagnostic research

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Classification I General Classification

a) Fundamental Research/Pure Research/Basic Research:

  • It is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention to apply it in practice.
  • This research helps in developing theories by discovering broad generalization and principles.
  • It is organized through different procedures of research like sampling, hypothesizing facts, etc. It can experiment in a psychological laboratory.
  • Research concerning some natural phenomenon or relating to pure mathematics, research studies concerning human behavior carried on with a view to making generalizations about human behavior are examples of fundamental research.
  • Used when developing theories, generalizations, and principles- Methods: Sampling, Hypothesizing, and laboratories


Watch lessons for more understanding:

Research Aptitude Concepts https://unacademy.com/lesson/research-aptitude-concepts-in-hindi/L3SVSRRO
Research Objective, Aim, method to choose https://unacademy.com/lesson/research-objective-aim-method-to-choose-in-hindi/DIGW7HZJ
Types of research: fundamental, applied, action, evaluation https://unacademy.com/lesson/types-of-research-fundamental-applied-action-evaluation-in-hindi/BGSMJMMQ
Descriptive and diagnostic research https://unacademy.com/lesson/descriptive-and-diagnostic-research-in-hindi/16XG2MPG
Experimental method with expected MCQs https://unacademy.com/lesson/experimental-method-with-expected-mcqs-in-hindi/W24KILXC
Generalisation concepts with inductive deductive reasoning https://unacademy.com/lesson/generalisation-concepts-with-inductive-deductive-reasoning-in-hindi/QY0L3V7Z
Research Aptitude Mock test https://unacademy.com/lesson/research-aptitude-mock-test-in-hindi/SK2EWJ59
Exploratory, Explanatory, Experimental Research https://unacademy.com/lesson/exploratory-explanatory-experimental-research-in-hindi/YAO4KJQP

 b) Applied Research

  • Utilizes principles made by fundamental research to know the problems with best possible manner- Undertaken to solve an immediate problem
  • Aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an industrial/business organization.
  • Solve the practical problem of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge sake.
  • Marketing research is an example of applied research.

 c) Action Research

  • Its aim is an immediate application but not any development of theory.
  • It is research either initiated to solve the immediate problem or if the researcher finds any problem during the course of his field investigation and observation he applies it.

d) Exploratory Research

  • It is a preliminary study of an unfamiliar problem about which researcher has little or no knowledge.
  • The objective of exploratory research is the development of hypothesis rather than their testing.

(e) Descriptive study

  • Includes surveys and fact findings inquiries of different kinds.
  • The major purpose of descriptive research is a description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present.
  • In social science and business research, the term often used is ex-post fact research.
  • The researcher has no control over the variables, he can only report what has happened or what is happening.

(f) Evaluation Study

  • It is a type of applied research.
  • It is made for assessing and taking stock of effectiveness of social or economic programs.
  • For example Family planning scheme, Irrigation project.

(g) Diagnostic Study

  • Similar to descriptive study but with a different focus, which is directed towards discovering what is happening? Why is it happening and what can be done about it?
  • It aims at identifying the causes of problems and possible solutions for it.

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