Registers and cache memory

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Registers and cache memory


Register is one of a small set of data holding places that are part of the computer processor. A register may hold an instruction, a storage address, or any kind of data (such as a bit sequence or individual characters). Some instructions specify registers as part of the instruction.

Printers and Storage Units
Cache, Registers, RAM ROM
Memory Units and Secondary Memory

3. Cache:

A cache is a place to store something temporarily in a computing environment. Cache memory, also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM)

Memory units

Storage capacity is expressed in terms of Bytes. The data is represented as binary digist(0s and 1s)

Hierarchy – Bit<Nibble< Byte < KB < MB < GB < TB < PB < XB < ZB < YB

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the standard code the computer industry created to represent characters(more than 64 character)

1 4 bit Nibble

2 8 bit 1 byte

3 1024 B 1 KB (210)

4 1024 KB 1 MB(220)

5 1024 MB 1 GB(230)

6 1024 GB 1 TB(240)

7 1024 TB 1 PB(250)

8 1024 PB 1 XB(260)

9 1024 XB 1 ZB(270)

10 1024 ZB 1 YB(280)


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