MCQs Test organized by Nav classes on Blood Relation | NTA UGC NET JRF | Nav Classes

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Test organized by Nav classes
U have 20 minutes to answer Marks 12

1 A man pointing to a photograph says, “The lady in the photograph is my nephew’s maternal grandmother.” How is he lady in the photograph related to the man’s sister who has no other sister?

एक व्यकित एक फोटो की ओर इशारा करते हुए कहता है कि “ ये फोटो में जोहिला है | वह मेरे भाँजे की नानी है | उस महिला का उस व्यक्ति की इकलौती बहन से क्या सम्बन्ध है?

A Cousin

B Mother

C Sister

D Mother in Law


2 Amit said – This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” How is Amit related to the girl?

अमित कहता है कि “यह लड़की मेरी माँ के पौत्र की पत्नी है” | अमित का उस लड़की से क्या सम्बन्ध है?

A Brother

B father

C grand Father

D Father in law


3 Pointing to Ram, Shyam said,I am the only son of one of the sons of his father. “How is Ram related to Shyam?

राम की ओर इशारा कते हुए श्याम कहता है कि “मै इसके पिता के पुत्रीं में से किसी एक पुत्र का इकलौता पुत्र हूँ 

A Father

B Father or Uncle

C Nephew

D Uncle


4 Among her children, Ganga’s favourites are Ram and Rekha. Rekha is the mother of Sharat, who is loved most by his uncle Mithun. The head of the family is Ram Lai, who is succeeded by his sons Gopal and Mohan. Gopal and Ganga have been married for 35 years and have 3 children. What is the relation between Mithun and Mohan? 

अपने बच्चों के बीच, गंगा के पसंदीदा हैं राम और रेखा। रेखा शरत की मां है, जो अपने चाचा मिथुन द्वारा सबसे ज्यादा प्यार करती है। परिवार का प्रमुख राम लाई है, जो उनके पुत्र गोपाल और मोहन द्वारा सफल हुए हैं। गोपाल और गंगा की शादी 35 साल से हुई है और उनके पास 3 बच्चे हैं। मिथुन और मोहन के बीच संबंध क्या है?

(a) Uncle 



(d)No relation


5 Karan has a brother ‘Prem’ and a sister ‘Neesha’. Karan’s wife is ‘Naj’ and has a daughter ‘Naksha’. Naksha got married with Neesha’s son Akbar and has a baby girl’Riya’. What is relation between ‘Naksha’ and ‘Neesha’? 

करन का एक भाई ‘प्रेम’ और एक बहन ‘नीषा’ है करन की पत्नी ‘नाज’ है और उनकी बेटी ‘नक्ष’ है नक्शा नेषा के बेटे अकबर से शादी कर ली और बच्ची की रिया थी। ‘नक्ष’ और ‘नीषा’ के बीच संबंध क्या है?


(b)Niece and Aunt 

(c)Mother and Daughter 

(d)Mother and Granddaughter


P x Q means P is the sister of Q ;पी क्यू की बहन है;

P + Q means P is the father of Q ;पी क्यू का पिता है
P – Q means P is the mother of Q. पी क्यू की मां है
Which of the following means S is the aunt of T एस टी की चाची है ?

 a) T x M + S

b) S x M + T

c) S + T x M

d) S x M + R – T

e) None of these


7 Which of the following means that M is grandmother दादी मा of N, if ‘P $ Q’ means P is father of Q’, ‘P*Q’ means P is mother of Q, ‘P @ Q’ means P is wife of Q’? 

A) M * R $ T @ N
B) M * R @ T @ N
C) M * T $ N $ R
D) M * T $ R @ N
E) Both C and D


Pointing to a lady, Arun said “The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife”. How is the lady related to Arun? 

A) Mother’s sister
B) Grandmother
C) Mother-in-law
D) Sister of father-in-law
E) Maternal aunt


9 E is the son of A, D is the son of B, E is married to C, C is the daughter of B. How is D related to E?

(A) Brother 

(B) Uncle

(C) Father-in-la


(D) Brother-in-law


10 Read the following information and answer the following question:(A to C)
i) A @ B means A is the father of B
ii) A + B means A is the husband of B
iii) A $ B means A is the brother of B
iv) A % B means A is the mother of B
vi) A & B means A is the sister of B

10a) Which of the following option definitely true if the expression A + B & C @ D % E $ F is definitely true ?

1)A is the uncle of E
2)B is the aunt of D
3)E is the sister – in – law of A
4)F is the daughter – in – law of C
5)C is the uncle of A


10b) What should come in the place of ? to make a relation R is the aunt of T in the expression :P % Q + R & S ? T
3)Either @ or %


10c) How is T related to Q in this expression : P @ Q % R & S + T
1)Daughter – in – law
2)Son – in – law


1- B, 2- D, 3- B, 4- D, 5- B, 6-B, 7- C, 8- D, 9- D, 10a- 2, 10b 3, 10c- 1

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