JNU Adopts UGC, CSIR NET Score for PhD Admission 2024: Application Portal Opens Soon

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Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), a central university, has announced that JNU will accept the Score of UGC/CSIR NET Examination, June 2024 for admission to PhD programme for the academic session 2024-25 and no separate Research Entrance Test will be conducted by the University.

The salient features of admission to Ph.D Programmes in the University are summarized as under:

Applications for admission to Ph.D Programmes in the University will be invited from eligible candidates under following categories :

  1. JRF qualified category (Category 1) only and, II NET Score categories (Category 1: JRF qualified candidates, Category 2: Candidates qualified for Assistant Professorship without JRF and Category 3: Candidates neither qualified for JRF nor for Assistant Professorship but eligible for admission to Ph.D only on the basis of NET score).
  1. PhD admission under JRF Category will be done as per existing norms where 100% weightage will be assigned to viva-voce. However, candidates with valid JRF will be also eligible to apply under NET Score categories.
  2. Admission under NET Score Categories will replace the entrance examination. The weightage for NET Score and viva-voce will be 70% and 30%, respectively.
  3. The marks obtained by the candidates in the NET Examination conducted by UGC and CSIR will be valid for a period of one year for the purpose of admission to PhD programme as decided by UGC. The validity of JRF will be as mentioned in the JRF award letter.
  4. The University may be holding entrance examination for those PhD programmes where NET examination in the prescribed subjects/disciplines are not conducted by UGC/CSIR.

The e- Prospectus for PhD for the academic session 2024-25 will be made available shortly on the university website https://www.jnu.ac.in/main/


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