Celebration of 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) -2021 on 21St June, 2021

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Celebration of 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) -2021 on 21St June, 2021 

This is in continuation to UGC’s letter dated 14‘h June, 2021 requesting Universities and Colleges to celebrate International Day of Yoga (IDY) -2021, virtually, on 21St June, 2021 by observing this year’s theme Be With Yoga, Be at Home and following COVlD appropriate behaviour. 

The Ministry of Ayush being the nodal Ministry for observing [DY-2021 is organizing a digital yoga campaign which is being coordinated on Facebook/Instagram and Twitter in the form of a 10 day digital countdown program w.e.f. 11/06/2021. 

All Universities and Colleges are requested to encourage Students, Faculty Members, Officers , Staff and their family members to participate in the 45 Minute Common Yoga Protocol(CYP) on 21SI June, 2021. This may be observed with a thematic message of #BeWithYogaBeAtHome and make extensive use of various digital platforms in order to spread awareness and increase the participation of people in this effort of public health. Advantages of Yoga can be realized by becoming a partner of this inclusive and broad-based effort.


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