Analog, Digital, Hybrid Classification of Computers

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Generation of computer

Classification of Computers

Classification on working system

Digital computer – digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is used to process information with quantities using digits, usually using the binary number system. Ex – MacBook.

  •  A digital computer as its name implies works with digits to represent numerals, letters or other special symbols 
  • A digital computer process digital data Digital data is a discrete data and having only two possible values (0, 1)
  • Digital computer provide accurate results but they are slower than analog computer 
  • Analog computers lack memory whereas digital computers store information 

Analog, Digital, Hybrid, Super, Mainframe, Mini, Micro Computers
Computer Networking- transmission media
Network Devices and Types of network- LAN, WAN, MAN, ISDN
Data transmission, protocol, TCP/IP, IPV4 and IPV6
nternet related terms
User interface, CLI, GUI, NUI, RUI, OUI, VUI Computer Aptitude
Computer Languages

Analog Computer – a computer that operates with numbers represented by directly measurable quantities (as voltages or rotations) — compare digital computer, hybrid computer.

  •  Analog computer is used to process analog data
  • Analog data is a continuous and having an infinite variety of values Such type of data include temperature, pressure, speed, weight, voltage, depth etc. 
  • Such type of data include temperature, pressure, speed, weight, voltage, depth etc. Examples of analog computer are Speedometer of car, Thermometer etc. 
  • Analog computers are faster Analog computers are faster 

Hybrid Computer – a computer that combines the characteristics of a digital computer and an analog computer by its capacity to accept input and provide output in either digital or analog form and to process information digitally.

  • A hybrid computer is a combination of digital and analog computers And it combines the best features of both types of computers
  • For example a petrol pump contains a processor that converts fuel flow measurement into quantity and price 
  • Hybrid computer is used in hospitals to measure the heartbeat of the patient
  • Hybrid Computers are also used in scientific applications or in controlling industrial processes 


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