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  OBJECTIVES: – The objectives of the ADF scheme are:  To promote research culture in AICTE approved Institutions.  To promote collaborative research between Institute and Industries leading to start-ups.  To nurture talents for technical research. 2.0 BRAOD THRUST AREAS FOR THE RESEARCH: – Some of the broad thrust areas (but not limited) for the research are as follows:-  Green Technologies  Big Data, Machine Learning & Data Sciences  Block Chain  Artificial Intelligence  Energy Production and Storage  Electronics & Photonics  Nuclear Engineering and Allied Technologies  Robotics and Mechatronics  Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR)  Energy Efficiency, Renewable and sustainable Energy  Electric and Hybrid Mobility  Smart Cities, Housing and Transportation  Internet of Things (IoT)  3D Printing  Quantum Computing  Smart Technologies for Agriculture and Food Industry  Water purification, conservation and management  Public Policy  Social & Organizational Psychology & Behaviour  Cyber Security ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR THE AWARD OF FELLOWSHIP: – The detailed criteria for the award of fellowship are as follows: a) The fellowship/ HRA/ contingency will be granted to research scholars admitted in the technical universities in the identified thrust areas of the scheme. Page 3 of 7 b) Technical universities will admit candidates in their research programme as per their procedure following minimum eligibility criteria as prescribed by AICTE. c) The candidate must have secured minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 7.5 on the scale of 10 (or minimum 75% marks) or equivalent at both Bachelors and Masters. In addition to above, the candidate should have qualified GATE/ NET during the last 5 years. For SC/ ST/ PH candidates, CGPA requirement will be 7.0 on the scale of 10 (or 70% marks) or equivalent. d) The candidate should be less than 30 years of age as on date of admission in respective technical university. However, age relaxation of 5 years would be applicable to candidates belonging to SC/ ST, women and physically challenged category in succession. DURATION OF THE SCHEME: – The duration of the scheme shall be for a period of 3 Years. Further one-year extension (In two slots of 6 months’ each) may be given by AICTE on the recommendation of the respective technical university based upon the performance of the scholar in the research work. 5.0 AMOUNT OF FELLOWSHIP: – The fellowship will be Rs. 31,000/- pm for the first two years followed by Rs. 35,000/- pm for the third year. HRA will be provided at the rate of 8%, 16% and 24% as per the Government of India (GoI) norms as applicable in the city/ location where the Research Fellow is pursuing their research and are not provided any hostel accommodation in the institute. In addition, Contingency Grant will be admissible to the scholars at the rate of Rs.15, 000/- per annum to meet the miscellaneous expenditures. 6.0 NUMBER OF FELLOWSHIP: – Maximum of 339 Nos. of fellowship may be granted in a year. The number of candidates per technical university/ other university would be between 3-18, subject to the availability of seats in the research Centre and demand of a research Centre by candidates. The Technical Universitywise number of seats is enclosed in Annexure A. 7.0 ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES: – a) Technical University will assign one faculty as Nodal Officer for the scheme who will act as an interface between the technical university and AICTE on various operational aspects of the scheme. b) Technical University will select candidates for the fellowship as per laid down criteria. c) Technical University will update joining report of the scholar on the online portal of AICTE along with bank accounts details and subsequently monthly attendance of the enrolled scholars through online portal for the disbursement of the fellowship directly in the scholar’s account. d) Technical University will ensure that scholar must be registered in the PhD programme within one year of start of fellowship after completion of mandatory course work etc. falling which fellowship will be discontinued. e) Annual progress report of the enrolled scholar will be submitted online to AICTE for the monitoring purpose CANCELLATION OF AWARD: – The fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of: a) Registration in Ph.D. not within one year from date of joining. b) Misconduct. c) Unsatisfactory progress of research work/ failure in any examination related to Ph.D. d) He/ She is found ineligible later. e) Any false information furnished by the applicant or any fraudulent activity by the Scholar/ Fellow/ Research Awardees shall lead to Penal action against him/ her. f) The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure and the decision of the AICTE will be final and binding. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: – a) Registration for Ph.D. is mandatory within one year from the date of joining as a research fellow. If candidate has not registered himself/ herself within one year from date of joining, then fellowship will be discontinued upto his/ her registration for Ph.D. b) In the cases where the fellowship has been discontinued as per clause (a) above, the fellowship may be resumed after the registration in Ph.D. However, the maximum tenure of fellowship in such cases will be limited to as mentioned in clause 4.0 above. c) The awardees shall submit an annual report on the progress, each year through the Research Supervisor, Head of the Department and Head of the Institute to AICTE. d) The final progress report should be submitted by the awardees through the Head of the Department / Institution to the AICTE. e) The awardees shall not be allowed for transfer of award from the Institution where the awardees are presently working for Ph.D. during the entire tenure of the award. f) The awardees shall devote full-time to research during the tenure of fellowship and will not be permitted to take any part-time/ full-time assignment. He/ She will not accept any salary, fellowship or any type of financial assistance offered during the tenure of fellowship through any other source. Otherwise, the entire amount of fellowship will have to be refunded. The nature of the candidature (Full-time AICTE sponsored Doctoral Fellow) will not be changed during the program. g) The awardees shall give a declaration that if the results of research are such that can be exploited commercially by taking a patent or otherwise, commercial exploitation and patent rights should be with the Institute, candidate and supervisor. However, the rules of respective research institute, if any, in this regards will be applicable. h) AICTE online portal will have mechanism for the purpose of releasing fellowship/ HRA/ contingency etc. amount directly in the bank account of the beneficiary through DBT. i) The service conditions as notified by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development vide F. Number 15-2/2019-TC dated 16.07.2019 shall be applicable to awardees. j) If the progress of the candidate is not satisfactory as reported by the supervisor/ Head of the Department /Head of the Research Institute/ University, the fellowship of the candidature will be terminated with immediate effect. This will not be revoked under any circumstances. k) The Ph.D. rules/ regulations of the research institute and affiliating University will be applicable to all admitted candidates under this scheme. l) No separate/ fixed medical assistance is provided. However, the fellow may avail of the medical facilities available in the Institution/ University/ College. m) Leave:- (i) Fellows are entitled for a maximum period of (i) 15 days Casual Leave (CL) and (ii) 30 days Medical Leave (ML) in a year in addition to public holidays. They are not entitled to any other vacations. (ii) Candidates are eligible for maternity/ Paternity leave as per GoI norms issued from time to time at full rates of fellowship etc. once during the tenure of their award. However, maximum duration of fellowship will not be extended under any circumstances. Note: All kinds of leave should be approved at the level of the University/ College/ Institute. Prior approval of the University/ Institution/ College is mandatory for all types of leaves. n) Teaching Assistance (Work Load) Teaching assistantship of not more than 8 hours/ week may be given to scholars undergoing full time Ph.D. program under AICTEADF scheme and may include assistance in lab classes, tutorial support etc. o) Action to be taken in case of leaving the course before completion The awardees shall furnish an undertaking that in case of his/ her vacating the seat within the duration for which he/ she has been offered fellowship, he/ she shall be liable to refund the entire amount fellowship received by him/ her till the date of his/ her leaving the scheme. p) The fellow shall not undertake any paid assignment during the tenure of the fellowship (Except in case of leave without fellowship upto one academic year during the entire tenure). q) This scheme will supersede the currently executed NDF scheme on implementation.


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