1. Which of the following is not the purposes of Exploratory Research?
A To gain background information
B To study pre-planned design for analysis.
C To develop Hypothesis
D To clarify the problems
Explanation: Exploratory Research is generally done at the beginning of any research. This type of research’s purpose is to gain background information, to clarify the problems, help in developing the hypothesis and to establish the research objectivities for the study. The main point to note down here is that it has no pre-planned design for analysis. ©navclasses
2. A hypothesis is:
A A certain and established finding.
B A part of the research question.
C A strategy of evaluating data.
D A tentative statement providing an explanation.
Explanation: A hypothesis is a tentative statement. Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used in making statistical decisions using experimental data. Hypothesis Testing is basically an assumption that we make about the population parameter. Hypothesis testing is an important step of research and is carried out by testing the null hypothesis and either accepting or rejecting the alternative hypothesis. ©navclasses
3. Arrange the following steps of deductive research in correct order:
i) Hypothesis
ii) Theory
iii) Confirmation
iv) Observation
A ii,i,iv,iii
B iv,ii,i,iii
C iii,ii,i,iv
D i,ii,iv,iii
Explanation: Deductive Research is based on theory testing. It is a journey from general to specific. Researcher Considers an already established theory and tests its implication on a particular sample. The Steps of Deductive Research are as follows: Theory —> Hypothesis —> Observation—>Confirmation ©navclasses
4. In the post positivistic approach to research which of the following types of researches got emphasized?
(a) Experimental research
(b) Phenomenological research
(c) Ethnographic research
(d) Ex Post Facto research
(e) Action research
Give the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (a), (b) and (c)
(2) (b), (c) and (d)
(3) (b), (c) and (e)
(4) (c), (d) and (e)
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Explanation: In the post-positivist approach to research these types of researches got emphasized : –
●Phenomenological research – It focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a particular group.
●Ethnographic research- It observe and/or interact with a study’s participants in their real-life environment.
●Action research – It transformatively change through the simultaneous process of taking action and doing research.
5. What is a Research Design?
A A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory.
B The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods.
C The style in which you present your research findings e.g. a graph.
D A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.
Explanation: Research design is a blueprint of how the research has to be undertaken. It is a framework of research and techniques chosen by the researcher at every stage of the collection and analysis of data. ©navclasses
6. The value of research will be lost:
A If a researcher feels agreement with imaginary assumption
B If a researcher becomes a prey of hallucination
C If a researcher became prejudiced.
D All the above.
Explanation: Value neutrality should be maintained by every researcher in conducting research. They should be impartial and devoid of imaginary assumption and prejudices. So, it can be lost if all of the given situations happened. ©navclasses
7. Given are the differences between a thesis and a research article. Choose the correct option.
a) Thesis covers all the aspects of a research study and research article covers one idea or gist of entire research in brief.
b) A thesis will have an extensive presentation of methods but research article will have a controlled presentation of specific methodology.
c) Thesis is a general requirement for an academic degree while research article may or may not be required for getting a degree.
d) Thesis has an exhaustive list of references whereas research article will have a selective list only. e) Thesis takes a longer time to complete but article needs less time.
A a, b, c, d
B b, c, d, e
C a, b, c, e
D All of them
Explanation: A thesis is different from a research article in many aspects. Firstly, thesis is more scientific and formal; hence, it will cover all the important aspects of a research study. However, this is not true about a research article as it presents some particular idea or ideas about a research study. Writing a thesis is also a relatively longer process than writing a research article. So, all of them are true. ©navclasses
8. When academicians are called to deliver lecture or presentation to an audience on certain topics or a set of topics of educational nature, it is called
A Training Program
B Seminar
C Workshop
D Symposium
Explanation: Seminar is a form of function of bringing together a group of people focusing on a particular topic. This is especially a type academic instruction. Academicians deliver seminar on a particular topic, so that more people learn and understand about it. ©navclasses
9. In a thesis, figures and tables are included in
A the appendix
B a separate chapter
C the concluding chapter
D the text itself
Explanation: Figures and tables are included where it is required to explain content so it in included in text itself. ©navclasses
10. Which of the following statements defines the main objectives of Research?
A Research should be highly focused and feasible.
B Research makes accurate use of concepts.
C Research is done to find out the hidden truth.
D All of the above
Explanation: The objective of Research is to makes accurate use of concepts. The Research can also be done to find out the hidden truth. The Research’s objective should be highly focused and feasible. ©navclasses
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