29 Sept 2020 (DI & Logical Reasoning) First Shift NTA UGC NET JRF Question paper, Answer key

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1. Match list I with list II.
Concepts Schools
A. Nirvana I. Sankhya
B. Nihshreyasa II. Jainism
C. Apavarga III. Upanishads
D. Moksha IV. Buddhism

1. A – IV, B – III, C-II, D-I
2. A-, B- II, C-IV, D – III
3. A – II, B – I, C-III, D-IV
4. A – III, B – IV, C-II, D-I

  Answer 1
Explanation: Five events in Buddha’s life and their symbols:
1. Birth-Lotus and Bull
2. Great renunciation- Horse
3. Nirvana- Bodhi tree
4. First Sermon- Dharma Chakra- 8 spoked wheel
5. Parinirvana or Death- Stupa
Jainism: “Apavarga means absolute freedom from all sufferings”.
As per Samkhya school one of the paths to Moksha is to magnify one’s Sattvam.


2. In the following letter series, the next term is: bdf, egi, hjl,

1. kmo
2. jmp
3. ilo
4. kno

  Answer 1
Explanation: Skip one and the next series starts from the last skipped alphabet. ©navclasses


3. Deduction proceeds from:

1. Particular to universal
2. Universal to particular
3. Particular to particular
4. Universal to universal

  Answer 2
Explanation: Deductive method:
● General rule to specific instances
● Unknown to know
● Abstract rule to concrete instance
Complex to simple


4. Statement I: All knowledge is a recollection. It is true on a certain account.
Statement II: All men by nature, desire understanding.

1. Both statement I and statement II are true.
2. Both statement I and statement II are false.
3. Statement is true but statement II is false.
4. Statement I is false but statement II is true.
कथन I: सभी ज्ञान एक स्मरण है। यह एक निश्चित खाते पर सच है।
कथन II: स्वभाव से सभी पुरुष, समझने की इच्छा रखते हैं।

  Answer 1
Explanation: All knowledge is a recollection. As per Socrates, knowledge is already there. So, when we want to get knowledge or inquire, we do not search for something, but instead try to remember something.
Every human wants to understand certain concepts.


5. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire.
There is smoke in Mr Verma’s chamber.
There must be fire in Mr Verma’s chamber.

In accordance with Indian logic, this is an example of:

1. Pratyaksha pramana (Perception)
2. Upmana (Comparison)
3. Hetvabhasa (Fallacy)
4. Vyapti (Invariable relations)
जहां धुंआ है, वहीं आग है।
श्री वर्मा के कक्ष में धुंआ है।
श्री वर्मा के कक्ष में आग होनी चाहिए।
भारतीय तर्क के अनुसार, यह इसका एक उदाहरण है:

  Answer 3
Explanation: It is a fallacy because smoke can be because of some other reason like smoking or Agarbatti or something else. ©navclasses


Disease/Hospital Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C
Heart Attack 320 240 360
Blood Sugar 650 1350 1950
Blood Pressure 700 1400 2100
Kidney Problems 210 420 630

6. What is the average number of patients for the least reported disease?

1. – 415.2
2. ~ 325.4
3. ~ 391.7
4. ~ 306.6
सबसे कम रिपोर्ट की गई बीमारी के रोगियों की औसत संख्या क्या है?

  Answer 4
Explanation: Heart Attack = (320 + 240 +360)/3= 306.67 ©navclasses


Disease/Hospital Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C
Heart Attack 320 240 360
Blood Sugar 650 1350 1950
Blood Pressure 700 1400 2100
Kidney Problems 210 420 630

7. What is the percentage increase in the number of patients reporting heart attacks from hospital A to hospital C?

22) 1. 12.5 %
2. 13.2 %
3. 11.9%
4. 9.2 %
अस्पताल A से अस्पताल C तक दिल के दौरे की रिपोर्ट करने वाले रोगियों की संख्या में कितने प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है?

  Answer 1
Explanation: (360-320 / 320) x 100 ©navclasses


Disease/Hospital Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C
Heart Attack 320 240 360
Blood Sugar 650 1350 1950
Blood Pressure 700 1400 2100
Kidney Problems 210 420 630

8. For patients reporting kidney problems, what is the ratio of the number of patients reporting at hospital A and those reporting at hospital C?

1. 2:3
2. 3:4
3. 1:3
4. 1:5
गुर्दे की समस्याओं की रिपोर्ट करने वाले रोगियों के लिए, अस्पताल A में रिपोर्ट करने वाले रोगियों और अस्पताल C में रिपोर्ट करने वाले रोगियों की संख्या का अनुपात क्या है?

  Answer 3
Explanation: 210:630 ©navclasses


Disease/Hospital Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C
Heart Attack 320 240 360
Blood Sugar 650 1350 1950
Blood Pressure 700 1400 2100
Kidney Problems 210 420 630

9. What is the percentage increase in the total number of patients from hospital A to hospital C?

1. ~ 120 %
2. ~ 168 %
3. ~ 141 %
4. ~ 145 %
अस्पताल A से अस्पताल C में रोगियों की कुल संख्या में कितने प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई है?

  Answer 2
Explanation: A= 1880, C= 5040; (5040-1880/1880) x 100 ©navclasses


Disease/Hospital Hospital A Hospital B Hospital C
Heart Attack 320 240 360
Blood Sugar 650 1350 1950
Blood Pressure 700 1400 2100
Kidney Problems 210 420 630

10. The percentage of number of patients reporting for blood sugar compared to total patient in all three hospitals is:

1. 25.90 %
2. 38.24 %
3. 39.42 %
4. 35.12 %
तीनों अस्पतालों में कुल रोगी की तुलना में रक्त शर्करा की रिपोर्ट करने वाले रोगियों की संख्या का प्रतिशत है:?

  Answer 2
Explanation: 3950/(920+3950+4200+1260) ©navclasses




12 responses

  1. 10/10 marks
    Thank you so much mam
    Bilkul bhi DI SE dr lgta tha lekin aapke videos se and uncdemy p jo. Aapne liya tha usse bhut clr hue h mam aap apna ashirwaad bnaye rkhna
    Dream believe act achieve??
    Navlearner####jrf is mineee
    Yoooooooo ??

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