25 Sept 2020 – Communication & Reasoning, First Shift NTA UGC NET JRF Question paper, Answer key

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1. Statement I: Personality conflicts in a classroom situation are a barrier to effective interaction.
Statement Il: Impersonal communication is invariably considered the best solution in a classroom environment.

1. Both Statement and Statement Il are true.
2. Both Statement and Statement Il are false.
3. Statement is correct but Statement Il is false.
4. Statement is incorrect but Statement Il is true.
कथन I: कक्षा की स्थिति में व्यक्तित्व संघर्ष प्रभावी बातचीत के लिए एक बाधा है। कथन II: कक्षा के वातावरण में अवैयक्तिक संचार को हमेशा सबसे अच्छा समाधान माना जाता है।

  Answer 3
Explanation: In the classroom, communication must not be too personal or impersonal. ©navclasses


2. Match List I with List II.

Type of communication Characteristics
A Intra-personal I. Between persons
B. Interpersonal Il. within a small organisation
C Group III. Large number of unknown audience
D. Mass IV. Within oneself

1. A-I, B – II, C – III, D-IV
2. A. II, B – III, C-IV, D-I
3. A-III, B – IV, C-I, D – II
4. A- IV, B- I. C-II, D-III
सूची I को सूची II के साथ सुमेलित करें।
संचार के प्रकार विशेषताएँ
एक अंतर-व्यक्तिगत I. व्यक्तियों के बीच
बी पारस्परिक Il। एक छोटे से संगठन के भीतर
सी ग्रुप III। बड़ी संख्या में अज्ञात दर्शक
डी मास IV। अपने आप में

  Answer 4
Explanation: Intra means within or self communication. > Inter means with each other. ©navclasses


3. Efficacy of written communication depends upon:

A. Lengthy presentation.
B. Complex sentence structure.
C. Editing after writing.
D. Brevity in sentences.
E. Use of strong words.
F. Effective use of words.

1. A, B and C only
2. B, C and D only
3. C, D and F only
4. D, E and F only
लिखित संचार की प्रभावशीलता इस पर निर्भर करती है:
ए लंबी प्रस्तुति।
बी जटिल वाक्य संरचना।
C. लिखने के बाद संपादन।
डी. वाक्यों में संक्षिप्तता।
ई. कड़े शब्दों का प्रयोग।
एफ. शब्दों का प्रभावी उपयोग।

  Answer 3
Explanation: Efficacy means efficiency. ©navclasses


4. The concept fraction of selection’ in classroom communication is determined by the expectation of reward related to:

1. Efforts needed.
2. Reviews needed.
3. Peer pressure needed.
4. Time-lag needed.
कक्षा संचार में चयन की अवधारणा अंश’ निम्नलिखित से संबंधित पुरस्कार की अपेक्षा से निर्धारित होता है:

  Answer 1
Explanation: Concept fraction of selection means out of total to what extent is required. ©navclasses


5. Assertion A: It is the responsibility of the teacher to make students active listeners with the help of different interactive techniques.
Reason R: In teacher-centric communication students tend to become passive listeners.

1. Both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. Both A and Rare true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
3. A is true but Ris false.
4. A is false but R is true.
अभिकथन A: विभिन्न संवादात्मक तकनीकों की मदद से छात्रों को सक्रिय श्रोता बनाना शिक्षक की जिम्मेदारी है।
कारण आर: शिक्षक-केंद्रित संचार में छात्र निष्क्रिय श्रोता बन जाते हैं।

  Answer 1
Explanation: In a teacher-centric environment, learners are not able to interact and because of this teachers need to bring interactivity in the classroom to make learners actively participate. ©navclasses


6. Identify the next term in the series:

2, 10, 26, 50,

1. 78
3. 82
4. 104
Hindi google translated

  Answer 3
Explanation: +8,+16,+24,+32 ©navclasses


7. A man in a train notices that he can count 31 telephone poles in one minute. If the poles are at equal intervals of 50m, what is the speed of the train?

1. 50 km/hour
2. 60 km/hour
3. 80 km/hour
4. 90 km/hour
एक ट्रेन में एक आदमी ने नोटिस किया कि वह एक मिनट में 31 टेलीफोन खंभों को गिन सकता है। यदि खम्भे 50 मीटर के बराबर अंतराल पर हों, तो ट्रेन की गति क्या है?

  Answer 4
Explanation: There are 31 poles and each pole is 50 m apart. distance between the 1st and 31st pole = (31–1) *50 = 30 x 50 = 1500 m = 1.5 km time = 1 min = 1/60 km speed = distance / time = 1.5/ (1/60) km/h = 1.5 x 60 km/h = 90 km/h ©navclasses


8. A sum of Rs.50,000.00 is invested in a bank deposit for 1 year at an interest rate of 10% per annum, compounded on a half-yearly basis. What is the amount of interest at the end of 1 year?

1. 5125
2. 5250
3. 5500
4. 5150
50,000 रुपये की राशि को १ वर्ष के लिए १०% वार्षिक ब्याज दर पर बैंक जमा में निवेश किया जाता है, जो अर्ध-वार्षिक आधार पर संयोजित होता है। 1 वर्ष के अंत में ब्याज की राशि क्या है?

Explanation: 50000 x 10.25 % = 5125 ©navclasses


9. In a river from a fixed location, two identical boats start moving up-stream and down-stream, respectively. The speed of the water current in the river is 3km/hour. If the speed of each of the boats in still water is 15km/hour, the separation between the boats after 12 minutes will be:

1. 3.6 km
2. 5.6 km
3. 6.0 km
4. 7.2 km
एक नदी में एक निश्चित स्थान से, दो समान नावें क्रमशः ऊपर और नीचे की ओर बढ़ने लगती हैं। नदी में जलधारा की गति 3 किमी/घंटा है। यदि शांत जल में प्रत्येक नाव की गति 15 किमी/घंटा है, तो 12 मिनट के बाद नावों के बीच की दूरी होगी:

  Answer 3
Explanation: Speed downstream =(15 + 3)kmph = 18 kmph. Distance travelled downstream= (18 x 12/60)km = 3.6km Speed upstream =(15 – 3)kmph = 12 kmph. Distance travelled upstream= (12 x 12/60)km = 2.1km They are in opposite direction Hence 2.4 + 3.6 = 6 km is distance between them ©navclasses


10. Mr X is 40 years old and Mr Y is 60 years old. How many years ago was the ratio of their ages 3:5?

1. 15 years
2. 10 years
3. 20 years
4. 30 years
मिस्टर एक्स 40 साल के हैं और मिस्टर वाई 60 साल के हैं। कितने वर्ष पहले उनकी आयु का अनुपात 3:5 था?

  Answer 2
Explanation: 40- x = 3 60- x 5 ©navclasses




9 responses

  1. Mam aj ka quiz ka mera sara question thik hua.. ???
    Mam muja logical reasoning or DI ma bhut jyada problem the….jab bhi koi question try karti to vo ser sa upper jata tha….but ab mana aapki classes or pdf sa inki itni jyada practice kar le hai ki Di to ab mera favorate topic ban gya hai….ya sub kuch aapki vaja sa hi hua hai…kyoki aapka teaching style sabsa best hai….you are the best educator…thanku so much mam???#navlearner #dbaa #jrfismine

  2. 8/10
    Thank you so much mam
    Kl hi ye ques aapke book se pdha aur aaj aap de diye
    Dream believe act achieve??
    Navlearner#jrf is mine

  3. 5/10 Mam, Thankyou
    This test shows the reality of preparation.

  4. 8/10. Thanku so much for teaching us so well. Hard work always shows itself. Aap aaise hi aage badhte rahiye. Boht boht shukriyaa aapko dil se!!!. Love you. #navlearner#dbaa#navclasses#jrfismine2021

  5. Mam I am not able to do thm live but evyday before i sllp i do these qutns. They are very helpfull to make concpt more clear. U doung gr8t eforts for us. And coz of ur these effrts evrywere for us on youtube 1min series free clss telgrm qutns these all thigs togther make lots of qutns and clerty in concpt.And brigng lots of improvmnt.
    U are pure heart person Thanku so much mam.
    blssd to have a Teacher like u❣️

  6. 9/10 .. Thank u mam… My Paper 1 is improved very much because of u. U r great mam…u r best teacher. #jrfismine #navlearner #DBAA

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