24 Sep 2020 First Shift – Exam Analysis NTA UGC NET JRF

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 1.) 2 10 30 68  X ka मान ज्ञात करो।  

2 = 1^3+1

10 = 2^3+2

30 = 3^3+3

68 = 4^3+4

130 = 5^3+5

2 ..research ethics se que aaya

  1. Parimary pollutent
  2. Teaching method learner centred
  3. Maxims.
  4. Communication sourse decoder ye sb lala sequence.

7.. Millenium development goals se que tha.

  1. DI easy tha percentage niaklne the.

9.RC commerce se related tha.

  1. Direction se que tha 

.11.mnsuration se que tha volume pucha tha.

  1. Percentage se que tha..
    1. Arugument valid or invalid..true or false aisa que tha.

    2.post positivism se que tha

    3.effective teacher student ko protsahit krne k liye kya ensure krta hai..option the slef steem locus of control oppostie views. 

    1. Formative summative norm criteria Evaluation se matching que..

    5.multimedia inme se kon h audio video, text audio video.video 

    1. Classroom teaching



Hi mam mera exam ho gaya hai

Mam di esy thah lekin rc kaphi tuff laga mughe


Mam accha hua exmm kuch question glt ho bye jldd baaji me


Hello mam paper one easy aaya tha bahut… Aur time and distance direct question the.. D. I se easy question they… Research k jyda question they… Most of aapke karwaye huye

Thank you so much mam… :pray::pray::bouquet::bouquet::heart::heart:


Hello mam

Thnx for ur classes…I was able to solve DI and whole paper 1 properly

I watched ur videos for a month

And indian logic questions were direct

Vo buddhism knsa indian logic use kara hai


Unread messages

Syllogism is contrary ka ques tha


good afternoon maam

mera exam tha aaj first paper acha hua

baki aapka ashirwad chahiye bas jrf ke liye

g.a jada nhi thi

r.a. ke kai question the

philosophy ke question the jo apke the

d.i. bhi bhaut ache questions the

  1. False argument is a ……





Ma’am rest of the options I don’t remember

  1. …….. is used to send emails to large group at one time.

all an all almost paper is so good


Accepts perception (pratyaksha) and inference (anumāna) as valid sources of knowledge.


According to the Sankhya school, knowledge is possible through three pramanas:

Pratyakşa—direct sense perception

Anumāna—logical inference

Śabda—Verbal testimony

The various schools of Indian philosophies vary on how many of these six are epistemically reliable and valid means to knowledge.

Carvaka school of Hinduism holds that only one (perception) is a reliable source of knowledge,

Buddhism holds two (perception, inference) are valid means,

Jainism holds three (perception, inference and testimony), 

Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta schools of Hinduism hold all six are useful and can be reliable means to knowledge.

Nyaya school‘s epistemology accepts 4 out of 6 Pramanas as reliable means of gaining knowledge – Pratyakṣa (perception), Anumāṇa (inference), Upamāṇa (comparison and analogy) and Śabda (word, testimony of past or present reliable experts)


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