24 September Evening (2nd) shift 2020 UGC NET JRF Question Paper with Answer key
2020, 24 September evening shift 1. From the following list of learner characteristics, identify those which are associated with field independent learners A. Focuses on facts and principles B. Perceives global aspects of concepts and materials C. Prefers and likes to compete D. Can organize information by himself/herself E. Likes to cooperate Choose the correct […]
24 September morning shift 2020 UGC NET JRF Question Paper with Answer key
24 September morning shift 2020 Teaching 1. Match list I with list II. List I List II A. Formative Evaluation I. Percentile rank and standard scores are used for reporting B. Summative Evaluation II. Standards indicative of mastery C. Criterion-referenced test III. The intention of using it is to identify scope and potential for improvement […]
29 Sept 2020 (People & Environment and ICT) Second Shift NTA UGC NET JRF Question paper, Answer key
1. Given below are two statements Statement I: Compilers are softwareStatement II: Touch screen monitors are input/output devicesIn light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below 1. Both Statement I and Statement Il are true2. Both Statement and Statement Il are false3. Statement is true but Statement II […]