MCQ on Syllogisms & Square of Opposition

MCQ on Syllogisms & Square of Opposition December 2012 By which of the following proposition, the proposition ‘some men are not honest’ is contradicted? (A) All men are honest. (B) Some men are honest. (C) No men are honest. (D) All of the above. Answer A If the statement ‘most of the […]
Square of Opposition contraries, Sub Contraries Syllogisms

Sub Contraries I and O Both can be true together but not false together Contraries A and E Both cannot be true together but can be false together For mediates: A+ A= A A+ E= E E + A= O Reverse E+ I= O Reverse I + A= I I + E= O Square of Opposition Practice MCQs on Square of Opposition […]
Syllogisms Mediate Inferences

Mediate Inferences 1 Combine two Universal Positive statements will give Universal Positive Conclusion A+ A= A Statement: All Cars are Rats All Rats are Bats Conclusion: All Cars are Bats Immediate and Mediate Inferences Steps of Solve Syllogism with MCQs 2 Combine Universal Positive statement with Universal Negative will give Universal Negative Conclusion A+ E= E Statement: All Cars are […]
Syllogisms Invalid immediate inferences

Invalid immediate inferences Cases of the incorrect application of the contrary, subcontrary and subalternation relations are syllogistic fallacies called illicit contrary, illicit subcontrary, and illicit subalternation. Cases of incorrect application of the contradictory relation are so infrequent, that an “illicit contradictory” fallacy is usually not recognized. Click below link to cover this lesson through videos […]
Syllogisms Valid immediate inferences

Valid immediate inferences: Converse Given a type E statement, from the traditional square of opposition, “No S are P.”, one can make the immediate inference that “No P are S” which is the converse of the given statement. Given a type I statement, “Some S are P.”, one can make the immediate inference that “Some […]

TYPES OF INFERENCES or CONCLUSIONS: Immediate- An immediate inference is an inference which can be made from only one statement or proposition. Mediate- Definition of mediate inference. :a logical inference drawn from more than one proposition or premise — compare syllogism. To derive Conclusion one must merge two or more statements Click below link to cover this lesson through videos […]
Syllogisms basic to Advance Level

Here I am providing Detailed notes on Syllogism AIEO Rule No Venn Diagram– Logical Syllogisms click below link to cover this lesson through videos Syllogism basics of Venn diagram Previous year and Expected MCQs on Venn Basics and Rules of Syllogism The problems based on syllogism are on two parts: 1. Proposition/ Propositions 2. […]